
Symposium on The Bible and Creation

Published by: ComeSeeTv
15/01/2017 06:00 PM - 15/01/2017 09:00 PM -
Views: 988
Symposium on The Bible and Creation
Symposium on The Bible and Creation

In January this year, the Pastoral Center offered a Course on Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si, on Care for our Common Home. This course generated a great deal of enthusiasm and meaningful, insightful discussion. At the end of the course, the participants felt that the discussion on climate change and the imperative of each of us recognizing our responsibility to care for our common home, planet Earth should be continued. They also felt that such an important document deserved a larger audience. They saw the need of creating awareness on the part of all our citizens and formulating plans and suggesting concrete activities in as a way of responding to the plea of Pope Francis.

This was the genesis of the idea of a Symposium on the subject. This Symposium entitled “The Bible and Creation- A Symposium on Laudato Si’ on Care for our Common Home” will be held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center on Sunday, January 15th, 2017 beginning at 6:00 pm.


You can watch it live online here: 


or directly on the Dominica Catholic Radio channel on ComeSeeTv here:




Since the symposium is a response to Pope Francis’ encyclical, we will focus on the following themes taken from the encyclical:

- Pollution and Climate Change

- The Issue of Water

- Loss of Biodiversity

- Decline in the equality of human life and the breakdown of society (Bishop Gabriel Malzaire)

- Global Inequality


The complete encyclical may be obtained at:



The panelists are:

His Lordship Bishop Gabriel Malzaire, Bishop of Roseau

Mr. Bernard Wiltshire, President of the Waitukubuli Ecological Foundation

Ms. Paula Trotter, Public Health Practitioner

Miss Esther Lambert, PhD Candidate

Mr. Sylvester St. Ville, Ministry of Environment, Natural Resources, Physical Planning and Fisheries

Pastoral Centre, Morne Bruce, Roseau, Dominica

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