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  • May

    43rd Annual Dominica Catholic Charismatic Renewal Conference

    Date: 24/05/2024 08:00 AM - 26/05/2024 06:00 PM
    Access the spiritual live stream of the 43rd Annual Dominica Catholic Charismatic Conference via the following options: (To access the content you have donated to or purchased via Ticket 'n Pass, Clic...
    • May

      Jazz n Cocktail 2024 - honouring Michele Henderson

      Date: 03/05/2024 07:30 PM - 04/05/2024 02:00 AM
      Jazz & Cocktail 2024 honours Michele Henderson. As special we are asking patrons to optionally and additionally make a contribution to the female artists that are performing apart from accessing the PPV stream. And in particular to make a spec...
      • Jan

        Dominica Calypso Association 2024 Calypso Monarch Shows

        Date: 05/01/2024 08:00 PM - 11/02/2024 11:59 PM
        You can now access ALL the shows current, and past from one Calypso Association Master Channel where you pay one fee for the season and you get access to all the Dominica Calypso Association Shows. This does not include the Calypso Tents. Here is the l...
        • Dec

          Montserrat Carnival 2023 Season

          Date: 09/12/2023 08:00 PM - 02/01/2024 05:00 AM
          Montserrat Carnival 2023 Master Channel subscribers: Access all streams via this link:   For individual stream access, see below: