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  • Nov

    Feast of Christ the King 2019 - Diocese of Roseau

    Date: 24/11/2019 10:00 AM - 24/11/2019 08:00 PM
    Therefore Pilate said to Him, So You are a king? Jesus answered, You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.-John 18:37 Com...
    • Nov

      Dominica National Cultural Gala 2019

      Date: 04/11/2019 03:00 PM - 04/11/2019 08:00 PM
      View the Dominica National Cultural Gala 2019 here: Commentary provided by DBS Radio!!!
      • Nov

        Dominica National Day Parade 2019

        Date: 03/11/2019 05:00 PM - 03/11/2019 09:00 PM
        View the Dominica National Day Parade 2019 live here: Commentary provided by DBS Radio!!
        • Nov

          Miss OECS Pageant 2019

          Date: 01/11/2019 08:00 PM - 02/11/2019 04:00 AM
          View the Miss OECS Pageant 2019 here!!! This is historically epic!!! You won't want to miss this event. So click the link below to view it (20 USD + card processing fees): Liv...