OLFH presents FAMILY FUN DAY 2023 Fundraiser.
Support by clicking to view it here ($5 USD + processing):
Our Lady of Fair Haven presents Family Fun Day on Sunday July 2nd, 2023 from 2 pm to 10pm at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium Forecourt.
Many thanks to the sponsors of this fun-filled activity: ACS, ACS Shipping, Promex, Republic Bank, National Cooperative Credit Union, Archipelago.
Come, bring the entire family to enjoy games and treats for both children and adults!!
Speaking of treats, do you know that some of Dominica's top musical groups, DJs, and Artists are going to be also contributing a helping voice to this fundraiser?
The official list is:
The Unstoppable DJs (DJ Sleem and Unstoppable Shax)
You are gonna be in for a treat indeed based on that line up alone right? But there's more send the children to fantasy land as they conquer the Bouncing Castles, find out what fun is as we engage in fun like mini ball pit, bean bag toss, dips and lots, lots more!!!
Because this is a fundraiser, the live stream will have a required contribution of $5 USD + processing and 100% of the proceeds go to the OLFH in their fundraising efforts. So spread the word yes, but also show support by viewing live pay-per-view here: