
Kidney For Lee

Published by: ComeSeeTv
11/04/2015 07:00 PM -
Views: 1,344
Kidney For Lee Fundraiser in Partnership with ATGTV and ComeSeeTv
Kidney For Lee Fundraiser in Partnership with ATGTV and ComeSeeTv

This event will be streamed live here: http://live.comeseetv.com/video/132/across-the-globe-tv/

Hi my name is Leeanna Naraine, many know me as Lee. I live in Atlanta, Georgia and I am 24 years old. I was born with renal failure, meaning both of my kidneys were not working at 100%. As you know you can live with only one kidney. The key to living with one is that the kidney must be strong enough to work as two.

I am fortunate to have gotten a donor and today I am a survivor!

#KidneyForLee bloomed from all of this. I've always wanted to give back or help kids who are going through what I went through.

Between having a gofundme account, to selling t-shirts I designed, to small fundraising with private events and doing a big event in Florida. We managed to raise $6000, which was all donated to a camp for kids who had renal failure, revived a transplant, or are on dialysis.

My only goal with doing all of this is to give back. Giving back also gives me hope!

Thank you for taking the time out to read this and I look forward to you being apart of this amazing journey with me!


Sincerely Yours,

Leeanna Naraine


To make a donation: http://www.gofundme.com/kidneyforleeatl

Or, knowing that it is going towards a worthy cause, you may purchase the access to the live stream of the #KidneyForLee 2015 event here: http://live.comeseetv.com/video/132/across-the-globe-tv/

Follow my journey: www.instagram.com/kidneyforlee

Event videos

Event images

  • kidneyforlee.jpg
  • kidneyforleeflyer.jpg

Event documents